scp01:mm0051scp8mm0121scp51:mm0761scp01:mm0051scp8mm0121::BlackDeep blueOlive greenGrayWhiteFRAMEBlackDeep blueOlive greenBurgundyPebbleGrayWhiteSEAT PAD〈FRNC〉ACRYLIC AND WOOL129Black027Navy blue125Pearl gray140Zenith blueBlackDeep blueOlive greenWhiteGrayBurgundyPebbleChrome033Olive104Garnet143Sand062Cobalt green101Pink109Golden yellowBurgundyPebble06Mesh backrest, seatPP backrest, seat FrameArmrestsGlides (MA)Casters (MAC)Stacking q’ty (MA, MA-A)Stacking q’ty (MAC, MAC-A)Stacking q’ty (MA-T)Stacking q’ty (MAC-T)Patent registrationDesign patent registration800mmtype-6type-2W : 520mm D : 550mmH : 815mm SH : 450mm1M (Mesh seat type) : 4.3kg1P (PP seat type) : 4.7kgW : 550mm D : 550mmH : 815mm SH : 450mm1M (Mesh seat type) : 4.7kg1P (PP seat type) : 5.1kg100% recycled PET fiber (Fire retardant),100% recycled PP+GF 100% recycled PPφ22.2mm Steel pipe, chrome plating /baking finish100% recycled PP100% recycled PPφ60mm PA+PU15pcs on the dolly (H:1670mm) /8pcs on the floor (H:1210mm) 10pcs on the dolly (H:1500mm) /8pcs on the floor (H:1210mm) 15pcs on the dolly (H:1740mm) /5pcs on the floor (H:1040mm) 5pcs on the floor (H:1040mm)USA, JapanUSA, EU, GB, Australia, Japan925mm1060mmW : 520mm D : 550mmH : 815mm SH : 450mm3M (Mesh seat type) : 4.0kg3P (PP seat type) : 4.4kgW : 550mm D : 550mmH : 815mm SH : 450mm3M (Mesh seat type) : 4.4kg3P (PP seat type) : 4.8kgSEAT PAD〈VCP〉FAUX LEATHER960mm830mmtype-6TIPO-1M-MAC / TIPO-1P-MACTIPO-3M-MA / TIPO-3P-MATIPO-3M-MAC / TIPO-3P-MACTipo-MACColorsBACKREST & SEATDimensions and WeightTIPO-1M-MA / TIPO-1P-MASpecificationsStacking capacityTipo-MA
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